
As a teaching artist, I am dedicated to providing students with a safe atmosphere where they can express themselves and create. I carefully design my classroom to be open, organized, and welcoming to all students. One of the ways I do this is through the use of micro affirmations in my classroom such as; equality stickers and pins, greeting students at the door, and carefully watching my tone of voice when talking with students.
In my classroom, students will be challenged to create original artwork based on deep ideas such as; protest and worldview, personal narratives and values. I challenge students to reflect on their beliefs and provide them with a safe and accepting environment, no matter what their worldview might be. Through teaching art history and current contemporary art, I can help students analyze how art is used to express both historic and current topics. I encourage students to think critically about what the importance of historical artwork is and encourage them to make meaningful connections between art and the world around them.
In order to push students to think critically, I use facilitated discussions, turn and talk, and have a strategic grouping of students based on ability and need. The advanced students in the room are encouraged to help other students who are struggling and become mentor figures themselves. Students are also asked to assess themselves after each major art project. It is the students' feedback and reflection that helps inform my grading. While I do grade art projects with craftsmanship in mind, the majority of the grade comes from the level of difficulty, meaning; how much are the kids trying and pushing themselves. The second major grading category is making revisions; were the students able to ask for help and apply feedback given to them. Did they rise to the challenge of the required revisions and push themselves to do better?
It is my goal to teach students how to think critically and to grow as both artists and people. I am an educator so I can share my passion for learning and love of art with every student who walks into my classroom. I welcome students into my classroom and facilitate a safe space for their learning. In the words of Paulo Freire, I strive to “make it possible for the students to become themselves”, through teaching critical thinking skills, art history and technique, I help students grow.

Media Arts St Louis Science Center

George Washington High School

Fletcher Miller School